Kindad on kaunistatud tulevast kandjat täpselt silmas pidades: neis on näpuotsatäis erinevaid algupärasid Mulgist, Rõugest ja Muhust. Viimasest siis eelkõige värvikäsitluse mõttes. Tulemus sai just nii särtsakas ja silmatorkav kui Liivi ise on. Kes teavad, millisest Liivist ma räägin, need on kindlasti nõus, et enam paremini ei saaks isiksust kinnaste kaudu tabada:)
Do not let yourself confused with the title, I didn't mean the Livonian origin of these gloves (Estonia was once divided into Estonia and Livonia - the southern part of current Estonia and northern part on Latvia). It was a woman named Liivi I knitted these gloves for. I think it's the best result that I have ever achieved unifying the wearer and the design. As Liivi is very warm and colourful personality I tried to knit and embroider the gloves that would be worthy of her in every aspect. So I created these gloves using allusions to Mulgi, Rõuge and Muhu original motifs or colours and the very spunky gloves were born:)
Väga ilusad :)