september 07, 2015

"Muhu ploomid"

Kudus Anu Kruusimaa
Need minu ühed lemmikumad kindad said omale nime küpse ploomililla taustatooni järgi. Et Ulases on just Muhu kindad kõige minevam kaup, siis iseenda jaoks pean ma neil ju kuidagi vahet tegema. Näiteks on valikus veel Muhu kirss, Muhu sinine jne.
Tegemist on üsna originaalitruu kindapaariga - eeskuju ammutasin ERMi kogust. Muutsin ehk pisut värve ja jälgisin, et kogu mustrindus mahuks 8/2 lõngast kootud kindale. Ka töövõtted - loodus, sõrmeotsad jne - olid algupärased.

This pair is named Muhu plums because of its nice colour. As Muhu gloves are the most popular in Ulas' selection I have found the distinctive names 
for myself. For example there are Muhu cherries, Muhu blues etc.
This pair is quite original-like compared to its forerunner from the Estonian National Museum's collection. Of course there had some tiny adaptions to be made but int the same time I wanted them to be as authentic as I knew about Muhu gloves: cast on, fingertips and so on.

ERM 7828

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