Fotol on näha särgi kätis, mille tikkimine võttis terve päeva, kuna pidin arvukaid tööproove tegema, et kohandada originaalmotiivi suurus oma kangale. Tikkimisjärge ootab teine kätis, kaks õlakut ja kaalduk ehk kitsas püstkrae. Kavatsen kududa veel ruudulise seeliku kanga, tikkida põlle, tanu ja kui ind möödas pole, päädib see kõik veel eriti toreda pikk-kuue valmistamisega. Vaat sedasi siis: pole ma kuhugi kadunud, elu lihtsalt nõuab oma!
Please accept my apologies for not being too active with presenting new gloves. I simply haven't had time to knit because right now there are plenty of other issues in action. My two books are almost finished and waiting getting printed, but more important: I started studying in one-year-course of making folk costumes. On the photo you can see a sleeve cuff that I was working on a whole day! I had to figure out how to adopt the original size of the pattern to my linen fabric. I am going to make and decorate myself a shirt, skirt, apron, headgear and coat. I'm going to use as many of the handmade materials as possible (going to weave skirtcloth and buy handwoven wool coatcloth). The originals accessories of my outfit are from Viljandi parish where I currently am living as I don't have any particular roots in Estonia (I don't feel too connected with a place where my ancestors stopped living 70 years ago and that I personally have never visited, so I decided to establish my national identity on local area).
So Beautiful.
Regards from The Netherlands
This is a beautiful pattern. I wish you a lot of forces at work :)
Many thanks!
VastaKustutaOotan juba põnevil Sinu raamatuid.
VastaKustutaEdu õpingutes.