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Foto: Grete Ojamaa |
Nagu ikka, kasutan ma originaalvärve harva. Kui klient jätab vabad käed, teen kõike suure improvisatsioonitundega, sest muidu läheks igavaks. Antud randmekatted ulatuvad poolest küünarvarrest pöidlakiiluni. Selline pikkus võimaldab neid argipäevadel kasutada pisut varruka alt piiludes ja pidulikumatel juhtudel täies pikkuses hiilata väikese musta kleidi juurde, nagu Tuulike just teebki.
Most of the craftitems I make by order. These exclusive handknitted and embroided wristlets were a third pair of the serie. The whole idea was created by famous Estonian poetess Kristiina Ehin - my good friend - who placed an order to wristlets and gaiters with medieval Mulgi embroidery. These on the photo are embroided in Kihnu medieval embroidery that is very similar to Mulgi. In fact there's a thorough discussion about which the original was, wheather Mulgi or Kihnu. It is believed that Mulgi embroidery was imported by Mulgi immigrants on the island of Kihnu in the beginning of the 1700s after the great plague. There's only one embroided apron preserved from Kihnu so it's very hard to tell if the style was more spread there or not.
Usually I change the original colours into more modern. That ise the case with these wristlets too. The original colours were dyed with plants but my choice was artificial reds, greens and blue. The length of these wristlets is about 22 cm and can be worn in every thinkable ways and occasions.
Tuulike istub praegu nõupidamisel, seljas must kleit ja käsi soojendamas need imelised randmekatted...